Age, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can be rough on a woman’s body, and have a heavy impact on self-confidence. Intimacy can be very difficult. Restoring your before-baby body can do wonders for a woman’s self-esteem.

What is a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover is a custom set of surgical techniques to address the changes in a woman’s body from pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding – or age. The set of procedures can restore deflated or sagging breasts to be lifted, filled and perky once again. A tummy tuck can be performed to treat the abdomen, so it is flatter and tighter. Loose skin is removed, and if the abdominal muscles are loose or separated, the underlying muscles are tightened and repaired. You can say “goodbye!” to loose skin, a tummy pouch, and stretch marks on the lower abdomen.

Look and feel young again with a mommy makeover!

Women today are proving they can still look and feel young through a transformation known as a mommy makeover that corrects changes to the breasts and body in one safe surgery. This surgery by a board-certified plastic surgeon combines removal, skin lifting, and tightening techniques to correct the physical effects of childbearing. Pregnancy can take a toll on a woman’s body, but we can help reverse the damage at APSI with our high-quality surgery.

Why choose Austin Plastic Surgery Institute for a mommy makeover?

Our doctors are all board certified, warm, welcoming, and care for each patient. You will meet your surgeon at your very first consult instead of a coordinator trying to decide if you are a good candidate. Our surgeons are experts at their craft, eager to hear what the patient envisions for themselves and willing to teach and walk you through the procedures. Safety is always first on the list, our surgeons have performed hundreds of mommy makeovers. 

Advanced surgical techniques for superior results – it’s what we do.

Our physicians are highly trained, experienced, board-certified plastic surgeons who will perform a minimally invasive technique when it is appropriate. We use invisible stitches and meticulous sewing techniques for minimal scarring.

  • No surgical drains: Body contouring may require several different procedures and techniques. A tummy tuck is almost always combined with liposuction on the back and flanks to contour the entire waistline circumferentially. We try to avoid surgical drains, because that is the main complaint of patients who have surgery.
  • Advanced suturing technique: Our surgeons have perfected a “progressive tension suture” technique that is so successful that we have never had to perform a revision related to fluid accumulation. Our approach to contouring, slimming, and defining the waistline makes it possible to create a youthful, firm waist, for the most part eliminating what is termed “dog ears,” or a portion of redundant skin and tissue at each end of an incision.
  • Long-acting local anesthetic: Another great addition is the use of Exparel, which is a long-acting local anesthetic that minimizes the need for narcotics. Our Rapid Recovery Program has tremendously reduced the need for pain medication and reduced the postoperative recovery.
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Good candidates for a mommy makeover

Candidates for this surgery are women who cannot restore their pre-pregnancy physique with diet and exercise alone. At Austin Plastic Surgery Institute, we make individualized treatment plans for the individual, which in most cases, will involve breast and abdominal surgery. Candidates who have good overall health are ideal for a mommy makeover.

This lowers the chances of any complications occurring. Patients who use nicotine are not good candidates since smoking/vaping lowers skin health, resulting in poor healing, opening of the wound, and longer recovery and healing times. If you are considering a mommy makeover, it is vital that you have realistic expectations.

These procedures can achieve comprehensive improvement, and it is important to us that you fully understand the types of results you can expect. It is not a weight loss procedure. Rather, it is a collective artful compilation of surgeries to provide balance and harmony of the breasts with the body. 

Common surgeries included in a mommy makeover



  • Conditions caused by pregnancy: Excess fat and/or persistent bulge in the abdomen, sagging and loose skin, stretch marks and other unsightly skin irregularities.
  • Surgeries to consider: Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), BodyTite/Morpheus8 and SAFE liposuction of the abdomen.

Lower body

  • Conditions caused by pregnancy: Sagging skin and excess fat in the flanks, hips and thighs.
  • Surgeries to consider: Lower body lift including liposuction and skin tightening/lift of the buttocks, hips and thighs.
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What our clients have to say…

The transformation of the mommy makeover is very impactful. Restoring your confidence with various breast and body procedures offers a new lease on life, leaving you feeling confident, sexy and proud again. Our clients tell us they are ecstatic with their results!

Planning your mommy makeover: A timeline to your new figure

4 Weeks Before Surgery

  • Complete your physical if required by your surgeon (depending on the procedure you may need physical to ensure you are a good candidate.)
  • Discuss wound care and postoperative scar treatment with your surgeon. 

3 Weeks Before Surgery

  • Find a dependable friend or family member to be your caregiver. This person should be willing to take care of you as well as any children or pets during your recovery
  • Cease smoking and limit drinking alcohol as they can negatively impact your results
  • Check with your provider if you should discontinue using any medications (discuss all medications you are currently using)
  • Stock up your fridge with healthy foods
  • Plan how you will spend recovery
  • Purchase any books, movies, etc. so they will be available
  • Purchase cold compresses or ice packs
  • Purchase all necessary compression garments (some will be provided by your surgeon)
  • Purchase loose fitting, comfortable clothes for recovery (a robe is often a good choice)
  • Discuss the use of Bromelain or Arnica Montana supplements with your provider as these can help reduce swelling and speed up healing
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2 Weeks Before Surgery

  • If recommended by your surgeon, begin taking a daily vitamin and increase protein intake
  • Discuss if you should cease taking any herbal supplements with your provider
  • Patients may need to discontinue using aspirin, anti-coagulants, or anti-inflammatory drugs as they cause blood thinning or inhibit clotting (consult with your primary care physician before doing this)

One week before surgery

  • It may be a good idea to start taking probiotics to counteract the potential for future constipation caused by pain meds
  • Reduce your sodium consumption
  • Start eating a lighter diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and protein
  • Hydrate by drinking plenty of water and reduce alcohol intake
  • Fill any prescriptions needed during your recovery period so they are all ready
  • Ensure your caregiver is still able to provide aid including a ride to and from your surgeon’s office
  • Start taking Bromelain and/or Arnica Montana as directed by your surgeon
  • Setup a designated recovery area with wound care items, pillows, blankets, leisure items, water, snacks, and a list of emergency numbers
  • No aspirin, herbal supplements, or any medication that can increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Arrange a responsible friend or family member to drive you home after surgery.
  • Prepare for your recovery period by arranging childcare or time off work.
  • Purchase any supplies you may need after the surgery (frozen peas/ice packs, gauze, sports bra).
  • Notify the office of any symptoms of illness prior to surgery.
  • Fill your prescriptions.
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The night before surgery

Do NOT eat or drink anything 12 hours prior to surgery. Shower with antibacterial soap. Relax, go to bed early and try to sleep for 8 hours.

2 to 3 days following surgery

Many women may experience light to moderate pain in the days following their procedure, which can be managed through prescription medication. Nausea from the anesthesia used during the procedure is also common in the first 24 hours but typically subsides with time and the medication prescribed. We recommend that patients use a surgical bra and compression dressings and garments to protect the incision sites. 

1 week following surgery

Pain levels usually significantly decline while moderate bruising and swelling of the breasts/body  continue to persist. Lymphatic massage is highly recommended to help dissipate postoperative swelling. Many patients (other than those who have had a tummy tuck) are cleared to return to work and perform light daily activities including walking. However, patients should avoid lifting heavy objects and other strenuous movements.

2 weeks following surgery

Many patients begin to feel normal and can perform daily activities without pain. Vigorous activity or exercise should continue to be avoided. Incision glue typically begins to fall off by the two-week mark.

4 weeks following surgery

Most patients are healed enough to resume their normal exercise routine (however ask the surgeon about exercises and activities like golf, tennis, etc. that specifically target the chest). Lunges, squats, etc. are not allowed for those who have had a tummy tuck, but most other exercises are okay.

6 weeks following surgery

6-weeks usually marks the completion of the recovery process as most bruising and swelling of the breasts has resolved. Most patients can exercise without restraint, sleep on their abdomen and sides, and are cleared for most activities.

Pain management Staying comfortable during healing.

Most patients report experiencing mild to moderate pain following their tummy tuck whereas breast procedures are much less. Pain is typically greatest in the first two to three days following the procedure when swelling peaks. Take your pain medication as needed and communicate with the office if you have any questions about alternatives to narcotics.

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Recovery tips after a mommy makeover

  • Follow all post-procedure care instructions provided by your plastic surgeon.
  • Schedule your lymphatic massage. Ideally try to do one before the surgery to meet the therapist and understand the procedure. The first procedure after the surgery can be in the first week. 
  • Take pain medication, antibiotics, and any other prescriptions as prescribed by your surgeon.
  • Attend all scheduled post-op appointments.
  • Wear all recommended compression garments or surgical bras.
  • Get plenty of rest and sleep.
  • Drink lots of water throughout the recovery period.
  • Eat light and healthy foods following your procedure.
  • Avoid touching or removing skin glue from incision sites as they may reopen your wounds.
  • Wear loose fitting tops that will not require you to raise your arms to put them on.
  • Patients are advised to sleep with their head propped up under 2-3 pillows to reduce pain and swelling for the first few days to a week
  • Limit all forms of vigorous exercise including any physical movements which make the breasts bounce until you are cleared

It is important to understand that your recovery experience may differ from the information presented here due to several factors including your pain tolerance and your body’s healing response. 

Finally, patients who combine a breast lift with other surgical procedures (like breast augmentation or body contouring) may require a longer recovery period.

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Healing after a mommy makeover

All mommy makeovers are performed under general anesthesia in an accredited surgical facility. Depending on how many techniques are combined, the surgery time will vary. It is not uncommon for us to do 6-8 hour procedures. These are very safe as there is little blood loss. After the anesthesia takes effect, incisions are then carefully created, giving the plastic surgeon access to the underlying tissues. The chosen changes are performed, and then the incisions are closed with the help of surgical sutures. These are all outpatient procedures.

What to expect?

During the recovery process, patients must rest and heal. They will need to follow their doctor’s post-surgical care directions closely to ensure quality results and to minimize complications. There will be a degree of swelling and bruising in the surgical areas. Ice packs can be used to address these, and it will be important to wear post-surgical elastic garments to control swelling. These garments also encourage the skin to better fit the body’s new contours. Lymphatic massage is a tremendous adjunct to the recovery to expedite the swelling that follows the procedures. This appreciably decreases recovery.

Patients will need to return for a follow-up appointment, where the surgeon will check on the progress of their healing. During this follow-up, stitches will be removed. Most women will require a full month to recover, but many will be able to return to work within two weeks. It will be necessary to avoid physically taxing activities such as sports and heavy exercise for several weeks so as not to disrupt the healing process of the incisions. The results will reveal themselves in multiple stages as the breast implants settle into their natural placement and the incisions begin to heal. It generally takes a full year for all the changes to make their final appearance.

Mommy makeover FAQs

Is a mommy makeover safe?

There are always risks to consider when contemplating surgery. When procedures are combined, those risks can increase but they are minimal. Therefore, it is important to find an experienced cosmetic surgeon who is skilled in performing multiple procedures in one setting. Ultimately, a combination procedure can have numerous benefits, including only having to undergo surgery once — which means only one recovery, one experience with anesthetic, and one fee.

What will the consultation entail?

During your initial mommy makeover consultation, you will speak with your plastic surgeon about your cosmetic goals. You will not just meet with a coordinator to discuss your desires and deem if you are a worthy candidate without ever seeing the surgeon. Your plastic surgeon will perform an examination, and the two of you will discuss your complete medical history, including any past procedures you have undergone, any medications or supplements you are taking, and any allergies you may have. Your surgeon will walk you through the details of the procedure, including recovery and preparation, and you will be able to ask any questions you may have. Your mommy makeover procedures will be chosen, and your surgeon will create a surgical plan and set a date for the procedure.

What happens if I get pregnant again?

In a perfect world, women would wait to have a mommy makeover until after all pregnancies have been completed so the surgical results are not compromised. Generally, any body part that has been lifted or tightened would be at risk for stretching out if a subsequent pregnancy were to occur. Revisions can be done, but you cannot completely redo the original surgery.

Will a mommy makeover remove stretch marks?

If stretch marks exist on an area of the body (i.e., breast, tummy, etc.) that is going to be lifted and tightened, they may be removed when the excess skin is trimmed away. For any stretch marks left behind, as well as any other skin irregularities that may exist, they are typically moved downward out of site. There are skin-rejuvenating techniques that can help fade and remove these imperfections.

Will I have scars?

Scarring will occur with almost any cosmetic procedure. However, every effort is made to place and close the incisions carefully and without tension so that scarring is minimized. Scarring eventually fades into faint lines and can be concealed by undergarments and bathing suits. Most patients feel that the physical results following a mommy makeover far outweigh the scarring left behind. For those who do have prominent scars, we offer treatment options in our SkinCare Clinic.

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