Discover Our Most Satisfying Surgery: Breast Reduction

Of all the surgeries we perform, and tummy tuck and breast reduction in Austin are the two that rank highest in patient satisfaction year in and year out.

Create beautifully balanced breasts with our help.

Your breasts define your figure, but when overly large, can be a serious problem. The weight of heavy breasts carves deep bra strap grooves into your shoulders, your back and neck may ache, or you may suffer from rashes, bad posture, or are unable to wear standard sizes. This is when breast reduction surgery can lead to a very positive change in your confidence and outlook on life. 

What can breast reduction do for me?

Breast reduction surgery involves a specialized surgical plan in every case. Every woman has a vision of the figure they want, and how much they want the breasts reduced. If you feel your breasts attract unwanted attention, and cause you more pain than joy, we invite you to meet with us so we can speak with you, evaluate your breasts, and advise you. Imagine a beautifully balanced figure, the ability to shop for standard sizes, and the freedom to engage in vigorous sports – with your breasts reduced, your life experience can be far more positive and rewarding.

Am I a candidate for breast reduction?

Austin Plastic Surgery Institute’s board-certified plastic surgeons offer breast reduction surgery for all cases of overly large breasts. With advances in surgical technique, breast reduction surgery is safer than ever. When you meet with us at our Austin, TX office for a consultation, you will see your surgeon and do your exam. We will fully discuss breast reduction procedure specifics, your medical history, and will answer all your questions. Once a physical exam has been performed, we can advise you if you are a candidate for a custom breast reduction surgery.

Why choose Austin Plastic Surgery Institute for breast reduction?

Our surgeons are board-certified, warm, welcoming, and genuinely care. We are proud to be known as the experts in the art of breast reductions surgery, and eager to listen to what you have to say. Patient safety is always a priority. We are personally involved in all aspects of treatment, from consultations to follow-ups.

Our surgeons are more hands-on, and we are committed to superior patient care and building a relationship. We really want to know what you hope to achieve, and we listen, and we care. Our staff, including patient coordinators, medical assistants, nurses, and doctors, are a text or phone call away with any questions or concerns they may have. We are there for you at every step. 

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Relief can be yours with breast reduction.

If you struggle with any of these symptoms, we urge you to meet with us to talk about breast reduction in Austin:

  • Regular backaches
  • Neck pain
  • Inability to engage in physical activities
  • Unhappiness associated with your breast size or shape
  • Skin irritation from bra straps
  • Numbness of the breasts
  • Unable to purchase regular bras or clothing sizes
  • Tired of attracting unwanted attention 
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What is the surgery?

APSI’s breast reduction will remove excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin from the breasts to create breasts that are smaller, lighter, and firmer. Breast reduction can also reduce the size of the areola (the darker skin surrounding the nipple). The nipple itself is not disconnected, but rather is left attached to the underlying breast tissue with its blood supply and nerves to preserve sensation.

The goal of this procedure is to give the patient a smaller breast size that is the perfect balance for the figure. We are committed to ensuring the outcome matches your vision for your body, and the aesthetic you want. Breast reduction surgery may be performed for physical relief, while enhancing breast appearance – the perfect combination.

Experience makes the difference in results.

During breast reduction surgery, surgeon skill is important. In addition to minimizing scarring, there will be a focus on maintaining a healthy blood supply to the nipple areola complex. This is essential because once the nipple and areola are repositioned, blood vessels will work to maintain blood flow to promote a healthy nipple-areolar complex with preservation of feeling. Excess lateral fullness in the bra roll is generally removed with liposuction to help frame the breast. If there is concern about laxity, BodyTite and Morpheus can be added to help with skin tightening. 

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Where are the incisions?

There are variations to this incision pattern that can be used depending on breast size and aesthetic goals. The most commonly performed is the lollipop closure that results in a circle around the areola and then a vertical line down the breast toward the crease- similar to a lollipop. Occasionally we will also remove some skin along the inframammary crease. This give us the best chance of providing upper pole fullness and longevity to the reduction. An “anchor” incision is often appropriate for those who are very large or have a lot of skin excess that needs removal.

In this approach, the incision is made around the areola, and then extended vertically to the crease of the breast, and finally across the crease. It is also referred to as a vertical “T.” Once the breast is resized and reshaped, the nipple and areola will be repositioned, and a lift performed, with excess fat and breast tissue conscientiously and meticulously removed, with the remaining tissue reshaped to the ideal, rounded look and size. The closure will be done with absorbable stitches on the inside of the breast. 

Internal bra

We want the results of your breast reduction to be lasting, symmetrical, and beautiful. We may use a specialized technique to create an “internal bra” with absorbable mesh. This is an advanced surgical technique in which a specialized biologic matrix is placed to ensure the restored breast tissue remains in place, lifted, rounded, and symmetrical.

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What is the surgery like?

A breast reduction is performed under general anesthesia at an accredited surgical facility and is an outpatient procedure. It typically takes about two to four hours to complete. During surgery, a drain tube may be placed but this is usually not necessary. The breasts are resuspended upward, reduced in size, and the nipple structure rotated upward on the newly shaped breast mound. The incisions are closed with meticulously placed internal sutures that are not seen.

Recovery time

For the first several weeks, you will need to wear a surgical bra or compression garment. You should be able to return to work or other activities within one  week, and back to exercise in four to six weeks – but you will be able to engage in many types of exercise that were made more difficult due to heavy breasts. The results of a breast reduction will be immediate. However, sensation to the skin and nipple may be delayed for six months or longer. 

Breast reduction FAQs

Will my results last?

The results following breast reduction surgery should last a lifetime if you maintain a healthy weight. The natural aging process and gravity will, over time, affect your breasts, but the size will not change significantly. In those with poor elasticity, GalaFORM is an absorbable mesh that is sometimes used as an internal bra to help maintain the shape and support.

Can my nipples be reduced in breast reduction surgery?

One of the drawbacks to having excessively large breasts is an enlarged areola (the darker area surrounding the nipple). Thankfully, breast reduction surgery corrects this. Since the incision occurs around the areola, it is a relatively simple technique to create a more ideal sized for the areola and relocating the structure to be centered on the newly created breast mound. In rare cases, the areolas are so wide that not all of the excess can be removed, and there is a small amount retained along the vertical scar. It is often nearly invisible.

How much can my breasts be reduced?

This varies depending on the patient’s aesthetic and physical goals. After breast reduction surgery, it is common to go down a complete cup size, if not two. Because bra manufacturers make them so differently, it is hard to guarantee a cup size. In most cases, we tell patients that we can probably remove up to about 1/3 of the overall volume. When trying to estimate the size of the breast at the end, it must be determined how much breast tissue must be left behind to safely provide blood supply to the nipple. Once this is done, all of the excess that can safely be removed is identified. This does limit the amount of reduction possible. Basically, we make patients as small as we safely can, while making sure their breasts are proportionate with their frame.

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