What is MyEllevate?

MyEllevate is a revolutionary approach to neck lift surgery with its innovative ICLED (the first LED-guided technology for cosmetic procedures). Unlike traditional procedures, this cutting-edge technique uses tiny entry points which are smaller than a pen cap and require no general anesthesia. It provides simple and safe results, lifting sagging skin, and treating vertical neck bands. The entire procedure is completed within an hour.

What can MyEllevate address?

Our procedure for MyEllevate in Austin is ideal for those seeking to refresh their facial features and reduce the signs of aging without undergoing surgery. The procedure works by lifting, reshaping, and contouring the underlying muscles with a minimally invasive approach. Results vary per individual but can include: 

  • A greater definition in their jawline
  • Tighten skin around the jawline
  • Reduction of jowls 
  • Reduction of the look of a double chin

Our procedure for MyEllevate in Austin is an innovative solution that not only provides results comparable to more permanent surgical techniques but also limits potential downtime while minimizing any risks involved.

Why choose Austin PSI for MyEllevate?

At Austin Plastic Surgery Institute, we understand the importance of feeling comfortable and confident at every step of your cosmetic surgery journey. Our team of board-certified plastic surgeons has a combined experience spanning decades, and you can trust us to deliver unbeatable services with the utmost care and integrity. With access to cutting-edge technologies and years of combined expertise under one roof, allow us to share our knowledge, and put you at ease in choosing us as your provider. We are also able to couple FaceTite and Morpheus8 with the MyEllevate to provide actual tightening of the skin in addition to defining the neck and jawline.

What are the benefits of MyEllevate?

MyEllevate is an innovative anti-aging treatment that restores definition and firmness at the jawline with minimal discomfort and no downtime. We are pleased to be able to offer this revolutionary procedure to provide patients with the most cutting-edge cosmetic science solutions. Our procedure for MyEllevate in Austin can produce beautiful results that help keep you looking refreshed and youthful for years to come. This minimally invasive cosmetic procedure with many benefits, such as: 

  • Quick recovery time 
  • No need for general anesthetics 
  • Imperceptible scarring
  • Can be easily combined with other procedures such as FaceTite and Morpheus8 

Alongside its multifaceted appeal, the short downtime involved makes this one of the most accessible, age-defying, sought-after treatments delivered at Austin Plastic Surgery Institute.

What is the procedure for MyEllevate?

When you visit Austin Plastic Surgery Institute to undergo a procedure for MyEllevate in Austin, you will receive oral sedation followed by a local anesthetic to numb the areas to be lifted and tightened to reduce any potential discomfort. During this one-hour process, one of our skilled surgeons will use ICLED and suture rod technology to delicately weave the suture just under the skin and above the platysma muscle without lengthy incisions, resulting in improved lift and tightening of the neck.

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Am I a good candidate for MyEllevate?

If you are looking for a way to restore your youthful look, MyEllevate could be the perfect solution! Our procedure offers excellent results for those who suffer from mild-to-moderate skin laxity in their neck or visible vertical neck banding. To ensure optimal outcomes, patients should meet the following requirements:

  • Are both mentally and physically healthy 
  • Are not pregnant
  • Have realistic expectations about what can be achieved with this treatment

For individuals wanting to refresh their appearance without going through invasive surgery that comes with extended downtime, MyEllevate is an innovation that can bring life-changing results, taking years off your look in just an hour. 

How long will the results from MyEllevate last?

If you're looking for a long-term solution to lax skin around the jaw, MyEllevate is an ideal choice. Compared to PDO threads that provide results for a short period of time, MyEllevate can provide lasting results of up to five years or more.

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