Dr. William H. Gorman, plastic surgeon with Austin Plastic Surgery Institute, discusses with us male focused facial procedures.
While it is true that in the past most cosmetic surgery patients have been women and this is certainly been the case in my practice of over 30 years, the number of men seeking cosmetic surgery is on the rise. In the past, most men would never consider skincare or cosmetic surgery. They also would not consider health-food drinks, going to the gym or spending $300 for jogging shoes. In this new era, men are recognized by news media, marketers and manufacturing as a potentially very large new demographic. Lifestyle has become extremely important. Men are now paying attention not only to clothes, fragrances and hair care, but also to the appearance of their bodies. Looking and becoming fit go hand-in-hand. Plastic Surgeons are beginning to see men accompany their wives for cosmetic surgery consultations. They are beginning to sign-up for skin care treatments and for their own personal consultations regarding possible cosmetic surgical treatments. Facial rejuvenation surgery, Lipo sculpting and treatment for gynecomastia are procedures that are becoming more and more requested by men. In this blog, I will address some of the more common facial rejuvenation procedures requested by men. Later, we will publish a blog that will discuss other cosmetic procedures requested by men including liposuction and treatment for gynecomastia.
Skin Care
Men and women alike are being educated better than ever before about the health benefits of good skin care. On an intellectual basis, men seem acutely aware of the carcinogenic risk of sun exposure to the skin, and most men will consider the use of sunblock if they know they will be outside in the sun for long stretches of time. Men, however, often fall woefully short of women