This month Dr. Scott Haydon’s nurse, Wanda, gives us a brief overview of what to consider when picking your size for a breast augmentation.
As swimsuit season approaches, lots of women start to agonize over how well they’re going to fill out their bathing suit top. They may want to consider having a breast augmentation, but worry about knowing how to pick a size. I’ve worked as a plastic surgical nurse for 34 years, and am offering some suggestions that might help:
- Do look on the internet or in magazines to find breasts (naked or in swimsuit) that you think look good. Bring them to your consultation.
- Do take into consideration how much breast tissue you already have. The more breast tissue you have, the smaller your implant will need to be.
- Do realize that the width of your chest is important. The implant sits on the platform of your chest. If the implant is too big for your chest, it will spill out into your armpit and give you “side boob”.
- Do take into consideration your height and frame. Someone taller or larger framed can handle a larger implant.
- Do listen to the expertise of your surgeon. He has done this before.
- Don’t get hung up on a certain size implant because someone you know has that size.
With that said, our office has something that will probably help you even more with your decision- the VECTRA 3D imaging system. It will take a 3D image of you, and then morph the image to show you what you might look like with the size implants you are interested in. It will even show you what it looks like in a swim suit top! With all of this, you should be on your way to looking fantastic in the new swimsuit top as you’ve always imagined.
For more information on picking a brea