A common question asked by patients who have plans of getting pregnant in the future and are considering breast implants is, “Will having children after breast augmentation affect my results?” With fluctuating hormones and weight gain, every woman experiences her own unique set of changes during pregnancy. It is normal for a woman’s breasts to be directly impacted, becoming swollen or enlarged. These can be a minor change for some women and more significant for others.

The experienced board-certified plastic surgeons at Austin Plastic Surgery Institute have helped women in Austin, TX with breast lifts, mommy makeovers, and breast augmentation to get the bodies they desire after having children. Pregnancy after breast augmentation can possibly affect the results, so read on to learn more about how the experts at Austin Plastic Surgery Institute can help you reach your aesthetic goal.

What does a breast augmentation do?

Every woman has her own reasons for having breast augmentation. After weight loss, some women struggle with a dramatic change in the size and shape of their natural breasts. After having children or breastfeeding, moms can experience a loss of firmness or have one breast that is smaller than the other. Some women simply want larger breasts to feel more confident about their overall appearance. Whatever the reason, this cosmetic procedure can enlarge and reshape a woman’s natural breasts to enhance her profile. Breast augmentation is still the most popular plastic surgery performed throughout the United States, and more adult women are considering it at a younger age. Today, more women in their 20s and 30s are choosing to get breast implants, but a common concern for these women is how a future pregnancy might impact their breast augmentation results.

Breast implants and pregnancy: what to consider?

There is no question that pregnancy after breast augmentation is safe. However, it is generally advised that women who want larger implants or plan on having multiple pregnancies may want to consider delaying their surgery if they are concerned about how pregnancy will impact their results. Genetics, type of pregnancy (if multiples like twins or triplets), body type, age, and lifestyle choices all play a role in how a woman’s body will change when she decides to have children. However, despite any changes in breast size or volume during pregnancy, a woman’s actual implant will not be altered.

Can any changes to my augmented results be corrected?

Even though pregnancy causes changes in a woman’s body, the breast implant itself will not be affected. For a lot of women, having the implant in place helps preserve the position of the breast and does not allow it to droop as much as it might have. Some issues that can occur with breast augmentation results after pregnancy are:

  • Excess or loose skin around the breast implant
  • Deflated or saggy appearance
  • Loss of shape, firmness, or volume

The qualified and knowledgeable plastic surgeons at Austin Plastic Surgery Institute can determine what needs to be done to help restore the integrity of any augmented results if they are impacted by having children.

Will I need a breast revision procedure after pregnancy?

The vast majority of women with implants will not have enough of a change in their breasts after pregnancy to warrant additional procedures. If Austin, TX area patients should experience any changes with their breast augmentation, a breast lift can be a simple solution. A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, can raise the position of the nipple-areolar complex and the breast itself to a higher position on the chest wall. It can also remove skin excess and tighten the envelope. Some women opt to change the shape and size of their breast implants when they are done having children. Breast revision surgery involves replacing the breast implant device (type, size, or shape) and can also include a breast lift to remove any excess skin or breast sag. During a consultation in Austin, TX, the experts at Austin Plastic Surgery Institute will listen to each patient’s concerns and discuss what surgical technique they recommend to achieve the best outcome.

With today’s surgical advancements, there is no need for women to put off breast augmentation, even if they are planning on becoming pregnant in the future. A breast lift, or breast revision surgery, can be performed to restore a woman’s breast augmentation results after pregnancy. If you have any concerns or additional questions, call today to set up a one-on-one consultation at Austin Plastic Surgery Institute. Let one of our board-certified plastic surgeons in Austin, TX help you feel good again about how you look.

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